Thanks! Check your emails for further information... but before you do... take a look at this:
Are you sick of feeling overwhelmed and underpaid in your pet business?
Are you tired of looking for the answers in Facebook groups that are full of average pet business owners who know nothing about business?
Are you struggling to stand out from the ever-growing competition?
You need the new Pet Business Bible ‘Walk Yourself Wealthy – The quick easy and no BS guide to transform you passion for pooches into an insanely profitable and fun dog walking empire’
This book usually retails at £19.99 plus postage but I have bought a copy for you now all you need to do pay £5 to cover the shipping cost.
Most pet professionals I see commit the cardinal sin of looking around at what all the other pet businesses are charging, and they charge the same.
They think just because they love dogs and are passionate about helping dog owners they will have a successful business.
They won’t.
It really isn’t enough for you to think you are the best dog walker in your town, even if you are.
You need to be known as being the best dog walker.
That means standing out.
That means being different.
That means learning how to market.
How do I know all this?
Because I’ve done it myself.
Now you can discover the marketing secrets that I used to turn my little dog walking business into the UK’s Number One Dog Adventure Company.
Click below now and you will be taken to a payment page. Enter your details to cover the cost of the post and packaging and will send you a signed copy of the book AND as a thankyou I will also include a bonus 60 minute business building audio training CD.
What pet business owners are saying about ‘Walk Yourself Wealthy’
Real advice that will actually boost your profits
‘Like lots of dog walkers I got to the point in my business where my business is well established and busy and is making me enough money to cover all my bills. However I am becoming increasingly worried about future financial security and quite frankly, I am exhausted from all the non stop work.
Despite serious reservations, I attended Dom's seminar which lead me to purchasing this book. In the short time since going to the seminar and then buying the book I have applied some pieces of Dom's advice to one area of my business and seen a 50% increase in sales.
I now have a completely different attitude to how I market myself and my business and for the first time in 5 years I actually have a plan for future marketing. It's a huge relief to move away from messing about with facebook and crossing my fingers. Highly recommend this book and Dom's seminars’
You don’t want this book, you NEED this book if you want to grow your profits!
‘I am a bit reluctant to give a great review about this book, as why should anyone else get to know all this good stuff and potentially come and get there business good?! lol
It really is a straight forward no nonsense book, written with the author's own style and personality shining through, so delicate flowers may be put off, but if you want to know how to get your business out there or improve on things give it a read.
You do need to actually do something without your actions nothing will happen, so if you just want a read then thats fine but without putting the plan into action you are not going to achieve anything!
And its real advice that works, he has put everything he tells you about from experience in his own business so what better proof than that?
I have already started taking his advice and seen my profits improve with no loss of customers.’
Loved this book! It’s a quick read and you can implement the ideas quickly
‘I have been following Dom and his free marketing emails for months now and pre-ordered the book at the first opportunity. I have just started a new dog walking business that is very different from the local dog walkers, so I knew from the start I need to be a marketing whizz if it has any hope at all!
I know its a great business, but getting others to know that when they can get a cheaper walk somewhere else has always been a worried, and I know nothing about marketing! Dom's book and other tips have helped me to really get the confidence to believe in what I've set up.
Something that has always attracted me to him is his marketing tips are not all about social media. In fact, very little is about social media. Which for me is perfect. I don't want to spend my life attached to my phone constantly, commenting, liking and posting stuff. It's just not for me. I'm currently very busy implementing some of his suggestions and I can't wait to see my business grow. If you are thinking of starting a business, this book is perfect to set you on the right track.’