Episode 161 – The Pet Business Cash-Flow Conundrum
A BIG mistake pet business owners make is they think things will be easier if only they had one more dog walking client, or they could fill one more training class, or fill one more day at the daycare... I used to think the same thing! In 2018 I was chasing sales and making lots of money, but a lack of strategy and systems meant most of that money flowed straight back out again, leading to me losing sleep about money. Find out how I fixed that and how you can solve your cash-flow problems in episode 161. www.growyourpetbusinessfast.com/pbicdiamond
Check out this episode!
Episode 161 – The Pet Business Cash-Flow Conundrum
A BIG mistake pet business owners make is they think things will be easier if only they had one more dog walking client, or they could fill one more training class, or fill one more day at the daycare… I used to think the same thing! In 2018 I was chasing sales and making lots of money, but a lack of strategy and systems meant most of that money flowed straight back out again, leading to me losing sleep about money. Find out how I fixed that and how you can solve your cash-flow problems in episode 161. www.growyourpetbusinessfast.com/pbicdiamond