223 – Your 2023 Pet Business Cost of Living Crisis Survival Plan!
Fuel prices are up, inflation is raging, no-one had any money and the world has gone to hell in a handcart...certainly that's what you'll think if you follow the mainstream media and whingebag pet professionals on Flakebook. These are challenging times for sure, but as always, pet professionals who go against the grain and do different and better marketing will be the ones who not just survive, but thrive...and in episode 223 Dom gives you the blueprint to successfully ride your pet business through the recession. Don't forget to grab your IMPACT 23 ticket at www.petbusinessmarketing.com/impact2023
Check out this episode!
223 – Your 2023 Pet Business Cost of Living Crisis Survival Plan!
Fuel prices are up, inflation is raging, no-one had any money and the world has gone to hell in a handcart…certainly that’s what you’ll think if you follow the mainstream media and whingebag pet professionals on Flakebook. These are challenging times for sure, but as always, pet professionals who go against the grain and do different and better marketing will be the ones who not just survive, but thrive…and in episode 223 Dom gives you the blueprint to successfully ride your pet business through the recession. Don’t forget to grab your IMPACT 23 ticket at www.petbusinessmarketing.com/impact2023