If you are a pet business owner who doubts your ability to put yourself out there and ever succeed at this ‘running a business’ lark, if the lockdown has left your business battered and bruised and you worry if you will ever get back to ‘pre-covid’ levels? If you lose sleep and feel guilty about putting your prices up because you don’t feel good enough, if you know you have difficult decisions to make but aren’t clear what they are, or even where you want your pet business to go, then please read this message now…
Are your pet business plans in ruins after lockdown?
Will you struggle to reach the profit level you hit last year?
Will you have the courage to take on some staff so you don’t have to do everything yourself, all the time?
Will you finally launch that amazing new service, get that new course online and increase your prices like you’ve been talking about since god knows when?
Or are you simply desperate to attract more affluent dog owners, and do you wish you could turn more enquiries into customers?
Here’s a better question.
Do you think you even need a plan to grow your dog training business, or are you happy to just stick your head in the sand and continue sleepwalking your way towards burnout? If so then close this page down now.
I know you love what you do, I was the same when I started my business.
This was the big dream, wasn’t it? To work with dogs
To help dog owners, to be seen as an expert, to prove all the doubters wrong and actually make a living from the passion for dogs that burns inside of you.
There’s no way you ever want to go back to the drudgery of a 9 to 5 job working in a call centre or as secretary.
Hell no…
You were meant for bigger and better things than that. You took the leap, scrimped and saved as you strived to leave your old job behind and start a new chapter in your life.
You took that giant leap and launched your own pet business, even though everyone, including some friends and members of your own family, told you not to.
I bet you started your business for two reasons.
You are passionate about and love dogs. I mean LOVE them. If you are anything like me you probably prefer them to people.
Actually that’s not strictly true is it? Because of reason number 2;
You actually want to help people.
And not in a fluffy bunny ‘heal the wold’ kind of way. You actually enjoy providing a service that helps pet owners have a better life with their dogs.
It’s your calling in life, and you are grateful each day that you took the leap and left that ‘normal’ job and a normal life, behind.
So why hasn’t it turned out like you thought it would?
My problem was I didn’t know anything about business. Actually, it was worse than that because I didn’t know anything about dogs either. I had some great dog teachers who set me on the right training path, but the lack of marketing knowledge took much longer to fix, and was way more costly to me in the long run.
No doubt you learned the hard way, as I have, that there is more to running a dog training business than getting accreditation, printing some leaflets and setting up a Facebook page…
And I made the monumental error of taking advice from well meaning, but frankly clueless loved ones and friends, and even supposed industry experts who said things like;
‘Don’t charge too much’
‘Be thankful for anything you can get’
‘You can’t be too choosy when you first start’
Great advice.
Running a business like that will lead to beans on toast for tea every night, and you’re ever demanding clients deciding for you, how you run your business.
It doesn’t need to be this way
And it’s not like there isn’t plenty of work out there.
There is no shortage of dog owners in your town.
They are everywhere.
Now Covid has hit, the lockdown has happened and you have a whole new set of problems to deal with…
The fact is, things are different now. The old ways of ‘marketing’ your pet business by posting a few things on social media, simply won’t work (If they ever did….) . To bounce back effectively after lockdown and ensure your pet business survives the upcoming recession, you need to radically change how dog owners in your town view your services. You need affluent clients
If you want rise above the compeition and build a profitable, enjoyable and stress free dog training business you should stay well away from the bottom end of the market.
Things got a lot easier with my pet business when I learned how to attract affluent dog owners in my town, whose first question isn’t ‘How much do you charge…’.
These ‘premium’ clients know and appreciate what I do. They pay in full and on time, every time, they refer me to their ‘affluent’ dog owning friends, and I know there are lots of these dog owners in your town.
And affluent dog owners are the only ones who are willing and able (because they have the disposable income) to invest in your doggy services.
So how do you stand out from the crowd and attract these clients?
That’s the million dollar question.
You probably made the mistake every other pet business owner makes when they start up, which is look at the competition or the people we admire and copy what they do and what they charge.
Or we copy just one of their services that looks slightly different to ours and we add it onto the ever expanding list of different services we already offer.
And because you charge the same and look the same as everyone else you give your potential clients nothing to compare you with, but price.
Now you are just another pet business offering the same kinds of service, at the same kinds of prices, as all the other pet busiensses in your town.
And competing on price is a dangerous place to be for any business owner.
Do you know what the really sad thing is?
Your competition probably copied all their prices and services from somebody else too.
Is it any wonder that your business isn’t standing out the way you want it to?
The other big problem is you don’t know what your goals are anymore.
You don’t have any.
You run a popular, quite well known and as far you know, a well thought of business. And you are proud of that, as you should be.
But you also feel skint and time poor, and keeping clients happy, attracting more clients you actually want to work with, whilst also making time for your loved ones who support you is a constant juggling act. And it’s not fair on them to just keep ploughing all your money back into the business, especially when any money you do spend on marketing feels as pointless as the time you waste faffing about on social media.
And continuing to spend all your spare cash attending more and more seminars, where you will hear the same old speakers delivering the same old stuff, is NOT going to help you improve your pet business.
You want success, but not at any price.
So what’s really getting in the way of you having the successful pet business you crave?
Is it the competition that are popping up all too regularly, that charge a fraction of the price you do, but don’t have a tenth of the knowledge and experience that you have?
Is it the vast array of services you offer that are taking up more hours each day. The new pet businesses that start up each and every week, the ‘last-minute’ cancelled appointments, the constant churn of having to find new dog owners?
The work life balancing scales have well and truly tipped towards work, and you see little chance of reducing your hours or increasing your income any time soon.
See the real thing getting in the way of your success is YOU
You don’t know it but you are at a crossroads with your business now.
One way lies more of the same.
Same clients, same services, same level of income, same shit but different day for as long as you can stick it out.
You’re stuck in a time for money trap, where each and every service has to be delivered or overseen by you.
And, more furloughed people will lose their jobs and some of those will start their own pet businesses in your town, adding yet more pet professionals to fight over the same amount of dog owners.
Then what?
Burn out.
But there is a better, more profitable and much easier way to run your dog training business and that’s what I will be teaching on my ‘Pet Business ’Success in Six’ Summer Bootcamp.
If you are ready, then I would love it if you would join me.
In the ’33 Idea’s’ I shared should give you a glimpse of what is possible for your business to achieve.
My ‘Grow Your Pet Business FAST!’ Seminar tells you ‘What’ you should be doing in your business.
In my pet business bibles ‘Walk Yourself Wealthy’ and ‘The Ultimate Pet Business Plan’, I shared the marketing secrets you need to know if you want your business to not only be the best, but be seen as the best in your town.
And on the Pet Business ’Success in Six’ Summer Bootcamp’ you will learn exactly ‘How’ to grow your business, and position yourself as the premium pet professional in your area, so you can make more money, get better results, make more of an IMPACT, and service better clients with less hassle and fewer headaches.
So , what is the Pet Business ‘Success in Six’ Summer Bootcamp?
It’s a brand new 6 week intensive program specifically designed to help you transform your pet business and ‘recession-proof’ it so you don’t end up another sad statistic next year.
You will learn:
WEEK ONE: How to be a premium pet business in a ‘post-pandemic’ world’ – Things are different to how they were before lockdown. There is less money swilling around the economy and it’s no different for dog owners in your town. You won’t be able to grow your business doing the same old ‘look at me!’ social media bullshit marketing you were doing before. To grow in a recession you need to position your business as being different and better than everyone else. You need to be seen as being an ‘expert’. This will bring expert seeking high-fee paying dog owners to your door . I’ll show you how to end the feast and famine business model that caps your income and means you are running so fast, and ultimatley leaves you burned out on business treadmill. I’ll be sharing the secrets to increasing the life-time customer value which means you can earn higher fees from fewer clients, have a stonger cash flow AND end your financial worries.
WEEK TWO: Canine Copywriting–Lets face it, your current marketing system is deeply flawed…Your website doesn’t turn clicks into customers, your leaflets suck and your Facebook (and other social media) activity is about as useful as a dog lead made of bacon. But, the issue isn’t just with the medium, you have a MASSIVE ‘message’ problem too. Until you learn how to speak to dog owners in your town about the problems they’ve got with their dogs you will continue to waste your time pointlessly promoting your services. So, in week two of the Summer Business Bootcamp I’m going to share the copywriting secrets that will enable you to crawl inside the brain of dog owners in your town so you magnetically attract them to your services, AND gladly pay your vastly increased prices. This is the exact same technique I used to go from little local dog walker to being seen as the U.K’s leading dog adventure company. *NEVER BEFORE TAUGHT BY ME LIKE THIS ONLINE*
WEEK THREE: How to use FAST, foolproof, effective ‘Follow up’ to turn more enquiries into clients. In week three I’ll show you how to go from local ‘nobody’ to respected local ‘ pet industry expert’. You get the clients you deserve because you get the clients your business attracts. The only way to attract better clients (who can afford your premium services ) is to build a better reputation and implement more effective marketing strategies. I’ll show you how to use ‘paper and ink promotions’ to change the perception of dog owners in your town so they are crawling over themselves to secure your services.
WEEK FOUR: Turn Enquiries into Clients with Profitable Paper and Ink Promotions!’
In week four I’ll be sharing how you can ‘hide’ your BEST stuff from the competition and leave them floundering in the dark.You do that by throwing an invisibitly cloak over your promotional material and get ‘offline’.
See, anything you do online anyone can see (including your competition)
The way to ‘build a tribe’ is do the opposite of what all the other (skint, tired and depressed) dog trainers are doing. I’ve perfected the perfect Online/Offline marketing strategy that will make you easier to find, and will help you connect with more ‘local’ dog owners.
You’ll get templated ‘Service Menus’ AND ‘Newsletters’ and ‘Referral Postcards’ that you can copy and start using straight away.
The way to ‘build a tribe’ is do the opposite of what all the other (skint, tired and depressed) dog trainers are doing. I’ve perfected the perfect Online/Offline marketing strategy that will make you easier to find, and will help you connect with more ‘local’ dog owners.
WEEK FIVE: How to actually get MORE shit done in your business. Time pressure is a recurring issue, and finding the time AND knowing exactly what to do first, can be so difficult when you are always busy dashing around replying to emails, or delivering your services. You need to master working ‘on’ the business instead of just ‘in’ the business. To fix this I’ll be showing you the exact systems I use that will enable you to make the very most of all the time and money you have to invest in your business. These are the systems that took me from being a small dog walker in Sunderland to a published author, podcast host, industry expert and sought after national speaker. Don’t think for one minute you can’t do the same if you want to.
WEEK SIX: Money Mindset, Goalsetting and Confidence Transplant. The sad fact is most pet business owners fail to make any serious money and struggle to pay the bills. They have a low-price charging ‘scarcity’ mindset, and it doesn’t matter how many clients they have on the books, they never have enough in the bank to be comfortable. That won’t change until you change your ‘money mindset’ and understand it is possible to run a business you love AND make a great living. A business that’s built for growth has a confident business owner behind it. So, that’s why, for the first time ever, I will also be giving all bootcamp attendees a unique ‘look over my shoulder’ at my own systems and procedures.
2 X BONUS Q and A sessions: To help you implement everything in the bootcamp I’ll also be doing two LIVE bonus Q and A sessions where you can speak to me (in person) and get clarity about anything you are unsure about. I know how difficult it is if you are lacking confidence after lockdown, and marketing is new, scary and untested. Well, worry no more becuase I’ll be leading you by the hand and guiding you carefully through the program.
Why this training is different to anything you’ve done before.
I’ve helped hundreds of pet professionals to truly transform their businesses. I’m the only pet business coach who has written seven books, who uses all kinds of online and offline media, and I started my first premium dog adventure businesss slap bang in the middle of the last recession in 2011. Quite simply, I’ve been here before and only I know how to navigate the stormy seas we are heading into with this recession. And if your pet business is already doing well and you are depserate to kick on to the next level then you should know my unique marketing methods have created more authors, speaker and industry leaders than anyone else.
This is a BRAND new program where I’ll be sharing the marketing secrets that I’ve implemented in my own award winning dog training and adventure business. Over the six weeks of the program you’ll get the chance to ‘swipe and deploy’ the same ‘winning’ strategies in your own business. The 6 LIVE weekly webinars will happen every Thursday at 5pm. (GMT)
Don’t worry if you already have appointments, or live in a different time zone, you’ll get the replays of the webinars straight away afterwards, with your homework.
So, what’s the investment?
My marketing consultations currently bill out at £597 an hour, so for the 6 live webinars you are effectively getting £3582 of mentoring and coaching from me.
However, I’m not asking for half or even quarter of that.
You can get full and lifetime access to this program for just £777 (or just two payments of £397) IF you secure your place before 4pm on Thursday 30th July.
And that’s not all, because I’ve also got three amazing bonuses worth an astonishing £1168.
Amazing BONUS Number One:
2 X 15 minute phone calls with me – On these ‘strategy calls’ I’ll quickly find out exactly what your challenges are and give you a ‘personal’ pet business plan so you can start moving forward faster – (I bill out at £597 an hour for consulting so this is a legit £298 BONUS)
VALUE: £298
Amazing BONUS Number Two
3 Months Free inside my Pet Business Inner Circle. The PBIC is the place where you build a prosperous and impactful pet business, you’ll get access to the Gold rescources, your monthly 12 page Ledger, monthly 60 minute audio training, live monthly group Q and A sessions and the PBIC Private discussion group –
VALUE – Usually £117 a month so a £351 Bonus
Amazing BONUS Number Three
As a final sweetener I’m including the FULL recordings from the main event Saturday IMPACT 2019 event. IMPACT is the annual Pet Busines Success Summit (attendees invested £1000 a ticket). You’ll get to see five amazing presentations from me and pet industry leaders covering how to use video to grow your pet business, how to write a book, how to get your face (and your business) in the media, how to use Facebook adverts AND my pet business persrciption to create a premium business. I’m even including my ‘Seven Big Idea’ Presentation from the behind closed doors Sunday of IMPACT, where I shared the Seven ‘BIG THINGS’ that took me from being a local dog walker in Sunderland to being seen as an industry leader.
VALUE – £499
Total Value of Bonuses – £1168.
This really is the bargain of this (and the last) century!
£3582 of personal pet business mentoring from me
£1168 genuine value of bonuses
Just £777 IF you grab your place before 4pm on July 30th.
It’s not for everyone though…
I should stress now that the Pet Business ‘Success in Six’ Summer Bootcamp isn’t for everyone. It’s strictly for pet business owners who are;
- Already knowledgeable and brilliant at the ‘thing’ you do. This is not a seminar where you will learn about dog behaviour. This is about taking the skills and knowledge you’ve been learning and practising for years and turning them into a profitable business.
- Determined to succeed and have no preconceived notions of how things ‘should be done’. I can pretty much guarantee that you aren’t making the best use of the skills you already have and in your ‘bread and butter’ business there will be improvements you can make straight away that will more bacon on the table, instead of beans.
- Willing to step on a few toes and ruffle a few feathers. Let’s be honest you can’t achieve premier positioning and sustain premium pricing by giving discounts and being everyone’s best friend. Everyone has opinions about your business but the only opinions that matter are your and the opinions of the people who are paying you money.
- Willing to test strategies that leave you feeling very uncomfortable. Much of what I and the guest speakers teach you will leave you feeling shit scared. I mean, daily emails, firing customers, dropping services and turning business away. These are just some of the uncomfortable things I have done in my own pet business. Don’t for one minute think yours is any different. It’s not.
- Willing to work hard and implement what you learn. This is not ‘just another course’ you can add to the list of online and in person seminars you’ve attended in the past. This is THE ONLY program you will ever do that will enable you to help more people AND make more money from your amazing dog training skills. But, you have to do the work. If you are the kind of trainer who is more interested in ‘likes’ and ‘Instagram hearts’ than you are in earning money and helping people then you should throw this letter in the bin immediately.
And if your cash flow is really tight, this isn’t for you either.
But if you’re doing ok business- wise or feel like you are stuck in a rut, like you have a million ideas but don’t know where to start, and you really want to make your business stand out so you have a continuous supply of the kind of work you love doing then this exclusive program is for you;
However, time is not on your side, and you only have until 4pm on Thursday 30th July to secure your place before the doors close. The first session of the bootcamp starts 5pm Thursday 30th July.
Don’t take my word for it either. Look at what these pet professionals have to say about working with me;
The Doggy Doctor Carol Clark has begun the process of repositioning herself as the canine consultant who helps struggling dog trainers deliver better training services. She’s delivered two sell out online courses to her list.
I’m so excited about this year: Promoting and running two online courses with two more lined up for the second half of the year. Publishing my fourth (and possibly fifth) books and running a series of intensive day and half day workshops and talks. So different from the days slogging through far too many weekly classes for little reward and only one day off each week pre-Dom
Or Claire Lawrence who is building on the success of her barking dog books with a 15 date tour of the U.K with her 3 Steps to Silence Seminar!
I’m super excited about 2020! Things are finally heading in the right direction and I couldn’t have done it without Dom’s valuable input and support.
Platinum member Tim Jackson has just had his first book published, and is introducing a membership scheme for his adventure daycare
Dom has made a huge difference to my business and I am amazed how much I have achieved with his help and enthusiasm over the past 6 months. I can’t wait for the next 6 months!
And Katie Guastapaglia built on the success of her ‘open fields day’ event last year and introduced a membership scheme, launched her Scentventure dog training program and began consulting to other field business owners.
It was 8.55am on Friday 31st January and I was a mess. Sure, I’d followed all of Dom’s advice about writing the sales page, creating packages, slick resources and content, I’d stuck to the plan and sent all the emails, had my last call with Dom and all of the Platinum Punks had wished me luck – but at this point I was on my own, and you never really know what to expect 5 minutes before the doors open to your brand new service, a service with no precedent anywhere else in the world, a game changing, potentially life changing service, do you? 8.56am an email comes though, ‘Hi, I’ve been checking the website all morning but I can’t sign up – please help, I’m desperate to join!!’ By the time I replied saying the doors would be open at 9am, my notifications were pinging off the scale. 100 members on launch day and that was only the beginning! Thank you Dom for pushing me forward and being able to visualise Club Dogwood before I could. It’s scary to step out of your comfort zone and try something big and new but having Dom’s support made it happen for me.
When you click on the button you’ll be taken to a page where you can input your details. As soon you complete that you’ll automatically get a confirmation email from me which contains more info about the program and your bonuses (including the IMPACT 2019 recordings and your link to book your first call with me, which we can book next week IF you book tonight)
This is not the time to sit on the fence and ‘wish’ your business was performing better. It’s the time for action. I’ll give you the proven pet business plan your dog training business needs, and I’ll inject you with the confidence you are lacking so you can make more of an IMPACT with your amazing services.
See you in there.