'Pet Business Profit Kickstarter Program 2021 - Get your Post Pandemic 'Prosperous' Plan of Action!'

Has the lockdown left you feeling lost, listless and lacking any motivation to market your pet business?

Does your 'imposter syndrome' drain you of the confidence you need to make your pet business stand out from the crappy competition?

Are tired of wasting hours on social media every day trying to market your pet business?

Do you struggle to attract affluent clients and are you sick of time wasting, tyre kicking clients who try to beat you down on price?

Do you lack the basic marketing skills required to move your business forward, and has the lockdown made you question whether you are cut out to run your own business?

Do You Feel like you Need To Inject Some Marketing Steroids Into Your Business, So You Can Kick On To The Next Level?

Then you need ‘Pet Business Profit Kickstarter Program - The Post Pandemic Prosperous' Plan of Action’ This is the ultimate marketing program that dog walkers, dog trainers, dog groomers and daycare owners need to get you through the most challenging time your business has ever faced.

Most pet business owners when they start their business look around at what everyone else is charging and they charge exactly the same. They copy their crappy competitors services, prices and promotions which is a HUGE mistake. If you are brilliant at 'the thing' you do, then you can (and should) charge premium prices, and your services should LOOK different to your competitors. This program will show you how to do that;

The Pet Business Profit Kickstarter Program is a brand new 4 week intensive program personally delivered LIVE by Dom Hodgson, the author of ‘Walk Yourself Wealthy’ and 'The Ultimate Pet Business Plan', and Europe's leading Pet Business Coach.

This is your chance to fix your 'busted' business plan, and get you back on track in 2021. Many pet business owner who refuse get serious about marketing now, will be lucky to salvage anything from their business. Some will survive, but only a select few will be strong enough to thrive as we come out of this.

If you want to be in that exclusive group of achievers, then you need to grab your place on this 4 week 'intensive' pet business program designed to get you confidently through the pandemic.

Grab your place before 10pm Sunday 17th January to save 50% on the launch offer!

Get Your 2021 Profit Kickstarter
Take Care of it over 2 months

In The 'Pet Business Profit Kickstarter Program' You Will Discover...

  • How to make your pet business permanently stand out from the ever growing competition that spring up like weeds every week.
  • How to position your dog business as the ‘Harrods’ in your town so you can make more money and have more fun by giving a better service to higher paying clients.
  • The 7 quick profit boosting techniques you can start implementing today and be making more money faster!
  • How to increase your prices without losing clients -Low prices attract low quality clients I will show you how to avoid that in your business.
  • Why your current website is an leaky bucket that lets prospects come and go every day, and how to FIX IT!
  • How to turn your passion for pooches into a money making empire that is the envy of your compeition
  • Why most pet professionals are wasting time and money attending seminar after seminar that don’t teach you anything which actually helps you make more money.
  • How to bounce back from the lockdown and 'pandemic proof' your pet business!

These are the exact same marketing techniques I used to transform my local dog walking business into being the UK’s Number 1 Dog Adventure Company, and took me from being a 'local' nobody to pet industry leader. Now you can do the same with your pet business.

The Pet Business Profit Kickstarter Program - consists of 4 LIVE webinars where Europes leading pet business coach takes you through over 6 hours of powerful training which will transform your pet business.

And if you hop on board BEFORE 10pm on Sunday 17th January, you'll get the 'Half-Price' launch offer and pay just £247 (You can also take care of it with two easy monthly payments too)

Get Your Profit Kickstarter NOW!
Pay in 2 instalments

Fair Warning. This Program isn't for everyone, and only the most ambitious pet professionals should apply. If you are someone who thinks 'messing around on Facebook' is the way to market your pet business, then close this page down now. Stick with the skint, pissed off and 'ordinary' pet business owners who are always bitching and moaning about their lack of cash and clients on social media. Let me know how that works out for you.

But, if you are desperate to succeed but don't know how OR where to start then claim your place by clicking on the button below now.

If you hop on board before 10pm on Sunday 17th January then you get the special 'half-price' launch offer AND five amazing bonuses worth over £677

  • AMAZING BONUS NUMBER ONE: 1 Month Free inside my Pet Business Inner Circle. The PBIC is the place where you build a prosperous and impactful pet business, you’ll get access to the Gold rescources, your monthly 12 page Ledger, monthly 60 minute audio training, live monthly group Q and A sessions and the PBIC Private discussion group - VALUE £117
  • AMAZING BONUS NUMBER TWO: I’m also including 30 minutes (2 X 15 minutes) turbo coaching call with me. I’ve done hundreds of these calls, and I’ll be able to quickly identify what opportunities you are missing right now, AND I’ll give you a personal pet business prescription so you can keep teaching and earning during any self-isolation and lockdown period. - VALUE £197
  • AMAZING BONUS NUMBER THREE: A copy of my exclusive PBIC Goal Setting Action Plan' This is a 12-page battle plan that will help you get total clarity about where you want your business to goed to do NOW to remain 'top of mind' so you are in prime position to mop up all the pent up demand when the lockdown is lifted. VALUE £117
  • AMAZING BONUS NUMBER FOUR: The recordings to the '7 BIG Ideas' seminar I delivered at IMPACT 2019. In this exclusive training I share the 7 BIG THINGS that allowed me to leapfrog the competition and be seen as an local 'pet business' hero -VALUE £197
  • AMAZING BONUS NUMBER FIVE: A FREE copy of The Dog Owners Self-Isolation Survival Guide book AND my 7 day video program. You can use this to wow your clients during lockdown. - VALUE £49
  • What are you waiting for? Click below to grab your place NOW!
Get Your Post Pandemic Pet Biz Kickstarter
Pay in 2 instalments

Don’t Just Take My Word For It!

Here’s what some of the recent ‘GYPBF Profit Kickstarter’ attendees had to say about the program;

"After being deceived by ex-staff members a couple of years ago, my 4-year old daycare business has taken a while to get back on its feet, and we recently undertook a 5-week Profit Kickstarter Programme with Dom. 

Our hope was that we could be pointed in the right direction, but we got soooo much more!  Dom's "no-nonsense" approach is exactly what we needed, and the help and advice we received over the five weeks of the Programme, was way more than we could have imagined. 

Out went despair and a feeling of isolation, and in came hope, excitement, and a feeling of belonging with his Pet Business Inner Circle membership. 

Whether you're starting out in your business, or have been in business for some time, I would urge you to sign up for a Profit Kickstarter Programme.  If I'd known about Dom when I started my daycare business, I could have skipped all the sleepless nights worrying about money!! 

Thank you Dom  :)"

Heather Stephens


‘I've just finished catching up on the webinars and they have hit so many nails on the head for me. I've increased my prices and I'm writing my first lead generation E-booklet on dog behaviour.

My plan is to make my 'enthusiast business' my 'real job' one day so I'm planning ahead for the stuff that scares me and makes me uncomfortable like being able to earn a decent living if I give up my salary and putting myself out there more.

After watching the seminars back my husband noted 'well he's got you all fired up, that's great!'. Thanks Dom, you're helping me to take a very important step towards my dream.

I look forward to more hand holding in the Inner Circle.’

Jane Daniels

‘Thanks for delivering an excellent webinar series. I have started to implement what was covered and already I've made back the fee twice over just but by using one tiny piece of advice.

I said before, if you don't get on board with this you're mental. GYPBF profit kickstarter should be your first port of call when starting your pet business. I've just realised I've spent a year doing it wrong and trudging along like the majority of other pet business owners.

Don't be a sheep and waste years working your arse off for very little, there is a better way and Dom can help.’

Karen Rhodes
Suffolk Dog Services

" I’ve been working with Dom for a while now but I’d run out of ideas recently and was looking for something new to try in my dog walking business, as well as how to stand out from the competition who had started copying my services again. Dom has a real talent not only for showing you what needs to be done in your business but also for motivating you and giving you confidence. I thoroughly enjoyed the profit Kickstarter programme and would highly recommend it. I’ve now got a long list of changes to make in the new year and am excited about my business all over again. If you’re unsure whether to sign up don’t be, just go for it, it’s worth so much more than it costs you absolutely will not regret it!

Becky Oldfield

‘Thanks for a great finish to the webinar series, for my testimonial I'd say that as a new starter in the pet business industry, this has really helped me get my marketing on the right track to start with.  I'll be using the Lead Generation Model to get those contacts to use as a base for the emails that I plan to set up, and will be applying the message of being a solution to the clients' problems across all my marketing materials. And that's just the starting point...  ‘

Lesley Orton

Thank you Dom for the GYPBF Profit Kickstarter program. It was really interesting and you have given me lots of great ideas to help improve things in the current competitive market. It is too early to say if it has made much difference yet as many of the clients are on holidays.  I am currently thinking of moving house to a new location next year, and I will have to re-launch my dog training when I get there, so now I feel more confident that I will be able to get off to a good start.’

Kenya Mullany

Get Your Profit Kickstarter
Pay in 2 instalments

Break The Cycle

Far too many dog professionals become seminar junkies who spend all their time AND money on dog training CPD but invest nothing to improve their marketing knowledge.I know from bitter experience this is a waste of time. It’s time for you to break that cycle and start building the business you always wanted.

This 'Kickstarter' will give you a proven business plan that will ensure 2020 is your best year yet!

Let me help you transform your business with the ‘Grow Your Pet Business FAST! Profit Kickstarter’

Get Your Kickstarter
Pay in 2 instalments