Are you a pet business owner struggling to stand out and take your business to the next level?
“Get instant access to the full audio version of The Ultimate Pet Business Plan and have the world’s leading pet business coach, Dominic Hodgson, in your pocket helping you smash your pet business struggles.”
Are you passionate about pooches, but clueless, confused and crippled with fear when it comes to marketing your pet business?
Do you struggle to stand out from the competition, and are too scared to increase your prices?
Are you working long hours for little pay, and is your business getting busier but LESS profitable?
I hear you.

The pet service sector is booming – but the market is saturated.
“Competition is everywhere and it’s increasing every day.”
The good news is there’s a tried-and-trusted way to stand out, leave the competition behind, and build a prosperous pet business empire.
Simply click below to get the full audio version of the pet business bible that has helped thousands of passionate pet professions to launch, grow and scale an outrageously profitable, sustainable, impactful, and fun pet business.
You will discover:

1. The proven system that lets you launch and grow a profitable and uncopiable premium pet business.
Watch your competition go green with envy as they see you go from zero clients to fully booked at lightning speed.

2. The stress-free way to staff, scale and systemise your pet business.
Learn how to make more money from your existing clients and clone yourself so you can grow and expand your business without doing all the work yourself.

3. How to innovate, evolve and re-invent and established pet business
If you have the systems and experience but are working long hours for little pay, I’ll show you how to transform your tired business into an existing empire, where you are recognised and rewarded as a true expert and leader in your field.
Get Your Free Audiobook Now
Grab the full audio version of The Ultimate Pet Business Plan right now, for Free, and take your pet business idea from successful start-up to sustainable small business – all the way to financial independence.
Check out what pet professionals are saying about this audiobook;

This is my new favourite book for dog business owners. Dom has taken the key points for success and not only applied them to our industry but made them easy to understand in signature style.
Anyone look to break out of the ‘starving dog trainer/walker/groomer’ mould and treat their business with the respect it deserves should start with the The Ultimate Pet Business Plan.
Nick Benger, Dog Trainer & Podcast Host

Help more people, earn more money and have an impact? ‘No thanks!’ … said no one ever.
As one of his private coaching clients, Dom has been hammering into me a lot recently my business’s leadership status. ‘Great,’ I thought smugly, ‘I’ll skim-read phase one and two. Phase three is where I’m at.’ An hour later I was still making notes on the phase one chapters. That’s hubris for you.
Even if, like me, your business is quite established, there are still many valuable lessons early on in the book. Fail to implement them at your peril. Having been a Platinum coaching client of Dom’s for over a year now, and having put many of the Golden Rules Rules into action, I can tell you that it works.
So if you’ve already solved all of the dog owners’ problems in your town, you love every aspect of your business, are getting all of the time off to spend with family and friends that you desire, as well as being able to support that time off financially, this book will be a waste of your time.
Anyone else, read on …
Katie Guastapaglia, Canine Enrichment Officer – Dogwood Adventure Play

I love this book! An easy to read, short and to the point, problem-solving packed book with no waffle. Full of useful tips too, it makes the process of building your business easy to understand and follow. The Golden Rules can be applied to any pet business and have made a huge difference to mine already.
As part of Dom’s Diamond coaching group in the PBIC, I have worked through all Dom’s Golden Rules and continue to do so. I am not a natural salesperson and have always hated being ‘pushy’ and ‘selling’, but I now sell Silver, Gold and Ultimate puppy packages much more often than single sessions. It keeps my clients on track with their dogs, and they keep coming back for more.
Following a chat with Dom, I sat and thought hard about my niche as I enjoy all aspects of dog training, but what I love most as a behaviourist/dog trainer is helping fearful and anxious dogs overcome their problems, it is my passion – and so The Happy Dog Project was born. I have an academy, a forum, literature to send out, online client only areas to help them and I am currently writing my book.
I work my ass off but I’m loving every minute of it.
Kerry Lawson – The Fairy Dog Mother, Dog Trainer.

After reading this book I was left inspired to want to do more with my business. This is a great read with some brilliant advice to help make your business stand out from the competition.
I read this book in one sitting and found it so useful and informative that I couldn’t put it down.
A fantastic book with some great advice.
Tim Jackson – Dog Trainer and Owner of the Greatest Daycare