In just 7 days you'll discover how to turn a FREE Facebook group into paying clients who are eager to invest in your in-person services AND your online dog training programs. (And if you don't have an online offering, then I'll show you how to do that too)
This challenge is specifically for ambitious professional dog trainers who want to learn how to fix your marketing so you can keep your business going, develop an online offering, and also build up demand so you have a full diary as we leave lockdown. This will enable you to recover from last year and successfully ride out the upcoming recession, so you thrive and prosper in 2021!
Are you an amazing dog trainer whose business suffered during lockdown?
Are you tired of the traditional dog trainers business model?
Do you worry about customers leaving if you increase prices?
Are you sick of spending countless hours on social media, only to receive inquiries from price buyers whose first question is 'How much do you charge?'
Are you too scared to put yourself out there, and do you wish you had the confidence and marketing skills to show off your amazing skills and services?
Does the upcoming recession have you worried how you will survive the next year?
Are you swimming in a fog of fear and are you a technophobe who feels lost when it comes to promoting your dog training business online?
Well, worry no longer because Europes leading pet business mentor, Dom Hodgson will guide you through his brand new, FREE 7 Day Pro Dog Trainers Business Building Workshop that will show you the formula for turning FB likes into paying clients.
Dom will take you by the hand and guide you through exactly what you need to do to navigate the most difficult period your business will ever face.
Fair Warning: This 7 day Pro Dog Trainers Business Building Workshop is NOT for sensitive snowflakes, or lazy people. If you are the type of person who would rather stick your head in the sand, watch Netflix and just moan about the situation, then DO NOT take part in this business boosting challenge. As hard as it might seem to believe, you will have to do some work during the challenge week, but you’ll be following proven and practical pet business building strategies that will enable you to navigate the choppy waters ahead, and capitalise all the pent up demand that will exist in your town as the world continues to wake up from lockdown.
To claim your place on the FREE week long challenge simply enter your details below now, and you'll get my personal help to guide your dog trainers business through this crisis, and set you up to deliver online services to local dog owners who are desperate for your help.
During the Seven Day Pro Dog Trainers Challenge you will learn;

- How to quickly and easily build a local online community that see you as their local dog training 'hero' or 'heroine'. Dog owners in your town are looking for help with their dogs right now. I'll show you how to 'show up' 'connect' so you can help them deal with their post-lockdown fears.
- How to turn FB likes into paying clients (this includes including blogs, Insta posts and articles) I'll show you how to connect with affluent dog owners in your town who are scared, confused and uncertain about the future. This will enable you to stand out ONLINE.
- How to build an email list during this crises. Facebook is 'HOT' right now, but its still incredibly difficult to 'sell' on Facebook because it's such a noisy and distracting platform. Your email list is the SOS 'life-line' communication method you need to keep in touch with dog owners in your town.
- How to position your dog training service as a 'the only choice' for dog owners who you really want to work with. This is your chance to leapfrog the competition,
- How to get valuable media 'exposure' to keep your dog training business 'top of mind' among dog owners in your town.
- How to increase your prices and introduce higher priced 'Upsells' that mean you make more money working less hours.
- How to team up with other (non-similar) dog businesses in your town to encourage more referrals, and position you as a leader in your local community.
Sound like something you need? Then input your deets below and I’ll add you to the group straight away. We start the 7 Day Pro Dog Trainers Business Building Workshop on February 1st. (That’s NEXT Monday Eek!)
How the challenge works;

All will be fully revealed once you’ve signed up, but I'll be sharing the unique marketing secrets you need right now. I'll be helping you three ways;
Exclusive Facebook Group
As soon as you sign up, I’ll add you to the exclusive 7 Day Pro Dog Trainers Business Building Workshop Facebook group. I’ll be doing several LIVE Posts in there each day as I walk you through the process for turning a FB group into paying clients, AND you’ll hear from some of my clients and industry leaders who have already been through my transformational training.
Email Support
Email support from me throughout the whole week of the challenge. I appreciate not everyone can (or should) be on social media all day. That’s why I’ll be sharing all of the content with you in my world famous daily emails. You can save these and read at your leisure.
Exclusive Webinar
When you sign up for the challenge you’ll also be registered for an exclusive LIVE webinar I’m delivering on Sunday 7th February. In this webinar I’ll be tying together everything that I covered in the seven day challege, and answering any questions too. There are strictly 100 places available for the LIVE webinar so please register your place ASAP.
What are you waiting for?
Enter your details below and join an amazing community of like-minded ambitious and awesome pet business owners.
See what these pet professionals have to say about working with me;
See what these pet professionals have to say about working with me;
“Like most dog trainers, continuity was a huge problem for me. I saw a client once and then never heard from them again. Thankfully Dom helped me to solve this problem by implementing four-session packages and quadrupling my prices during the time I worked with him. Now I have a system which maximises each customer’s lifetime value.
Nick Benger, TV Dog Trainer and Podcast host
I was able to develop my customer’s journey, and with each client I refined both the funnel and my sales approach. Now almost every single client I see opts to pay for four more sessions on my first visit, and we book in our next one there and then.
The new strategy has been so successful I’ve been able to bring my partner into the business and have had to implement a waiting list.
Dom also encouraged me to resurrect my podcast, which I had sorrily abandoned … and thank god he did. It’s now grown to become one of the most popular dog training podcasts available and led to all kinds of new business opportunities, an incredible network and a tonne of personal enjoyment.
The podcast caught the attention of an American television production company and led to a job consulting as a dog expert along with other offers of TV work. This is a whole new stream of income that I may never have ventured into without Dom’s invaluable advice.”
“I’ve known Dom for a while now and we have chatted a lot about business and he has helped me out with my business. He also introduced me to Alex which created me a new, fun, exciting and profitable side to my business.
Jane Arden, Waggawuffins Canine College
Dom’s a bit like marmite though you either love him or hate him. I think he’s great but I fucking hate marmite! My dogs also like him so that says a lot. To be honest even if you don’t like him, I’d still recommend you go on his Pet Business talk, he has a lot of knowledge and experience to share.
Business is his thing and he loves it, you can see that when you hear him speak. If you are feeling lost or struggling Dom will help you. His talk is great and gives you lots of motivation and ideas to get started, but the key is to take action and he’ll tell you about that too.
The dog training, dog walking, dog day care market is saturated at the moment and if you don’t step up your game you won’t survive. Dom can and will help you be the best!!’
“Where to even begin! I entered Dom’s world as a Diamond member when I saw IMPACT 2019 advertised. Soon after I upgraded to Platinum Private Coaching where I’ve been ever since.
Back then I was working for Dogs Trust full time and running a successful secure field business full time.
As much as I loved working in rescue I clearly couldn’t go on working 14 hour days. That’s when I turned to Dom.
One thing I’ve noticed: lots of pet pros don't like Dom or his style of marketing. In fact, Marketing is sometimes a dirty word. Full disclosure: it was for me too.
I've seen comments in Facebook groups where people seem to think you either want to help as many dogs as possible or you're in it for the money - and marketing falls into the latter category. That is absolutely not the case. My modus operandis is helping dogs. My world's axis revolves around helping dogs. But get this: I also enjoy marketing.
Marketing helps me, help more dogs, more efficiently whilst making me happier in my job and allowing me to have more time to spend with my own dogs, other family members and friends.
This is what ‘marketing’ and being in Dom’s world has done for me
- Communicated what I do more clearly so I can work with the people and dogs I can help the most.
- Organised my working schedule, getting rid of the stuff I was wasting time on so I could help more people and dogs.
- Freed up time to work on charity projects so I can help more people and dogs.
- Achieved a better work life balance so I'm not burned out, so I can help more people and dogs.
- Developed Scentventure, which has made lots of people and dogs very happy.
- Rewind back to 2019. With Dom’s help I filled all the sessions in my second secure field, organised Open Fields Day which brought over 600 people through our gates and raised over £1200 for local rescues, hosted the Teesside leg of Tour De Rescue and organised the world’s first ever Snuffle-mat-a-thon for local rescue centres. Oh and I also developed my signature training programme Scentventure!
Then 2020, with all its fears, stresses and woes, hit us. As awful as it was, it would have been a lot worse without the support from Platinum. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to stay sane through the first lockdown and grow my business if it hadn’t been for Dom and the other Plats. Just before lockdown I started Club Dogwood, my monthly members club, and in April I hosted a successful free 30 Day challenge.
- In the second half of last year I developed Scentventure into something I absolutely adore and started rolling it out to other dog trainers and walkers. I now have a growing team of Scentventure Guides offering Scentventure to their own clients – and the world’s first indoor Scentventure venue is opening soon via one of my consultancy projects.
- When I release new dates for my in-person Scentventure classes they sell out within 24 hours and my average waiting list is around six months long. Because I can’t offer Scentventure to all the people who want it, my plan for 2021 is to invite more pet professionals to become Scentventure Guides so that more people and their dogs can benefit from it.
It really is strange to look back over everything I’ve done since working with Dom – even stranger to write it all down like that as I never normally shout about my achievements.
I guess that Dom confidence is rubbing off on me!
I’ve said it before but it still rings true today: the only person who cares as much about my business as me, is Dom.” Katie Guatapaglia , Queen of the Fields Scentventure Specialist
Enter your details below and let’s get you on the fast track to transforming your dog training business.